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This Is Not An Erect, All​-​Red Neon Body

by Combat Wounded Veteran

Could be a motto for our T.V. conversations Playing a guest star opposite a billboard that has produced more social standards... Then you can throw a pile of plastic at human erector sets to stick it in and break it off!
Lines of parental units fill the open houses Guiding a good number of youthful energies to a fucking halt Thinking it might be better to blow a few brains out Gearing up to what may become the greatest Biggest waste ever in a lifetime of textbook disappointments
The board game version of the children's myth that is one hell of a stand up citizen and a real man is now up for sale where wholesale entertainment and rape can all happen at the roll of the dice, the number of dead can be gauged by what kind of bonus card you pull. Available where bullshit is sold.
And you're left with a dead end job and a dead end life With a dead end family in a complacent situation Brought to you by the makers of marketable products like Thanksgiving Gender roles and home cooked meals Allow six to eight weeks for delivery
The cracks in the logic may be proof that the most well assembled plan can fall victim to its creator's flaws
Old white men, plus lowest rung on the fucking ladder equals more old white men turning on salt-ioned for god and forget about it. I’ll tell you tomorrow. Rise up and stab them with your dinner forks and silver spoons and plastic knives!
Eyes have lit to see the burning down of getting knee deep in a workweek and being coerced into unfunny situations Revolving around unfunny situations Revolving around unfunny situations Ad nausea(m) and cut it with some midgrade Mob 47 for full effect
Customer service has left us on empty revolutions, uniforms dictate space, cleanliness plus godliness equals a possible deference on a resume. To extend a hand to a lot of a few lower class blue collar murders. Power, paper bags, for a good time call, how about the rest of us you fucker!
It seems as though nodding off as a couple of shit talkers has brought in the cavalry for us to be decapitated! Cut deep with these best inventions in mind. Shit, flag, toilet, repeat.
If someone would have told me this ship was sinking, I wouldn't have gotten on it in the first place. Because theres no room for compassion in this strange new world, where the thinking, feeling creature has become another childhood dream. Our parents never prepared us for what we’ve got now and maybe they were conned themselves. And no one told their ship was sinking either.
In the end, theres no need to justify the refusal of handouts from a culture steeped in brutality and callousness. When a being is reduced to an empty visual, the individual is put on display with no questions asked. The intricacies of a living, breathing singular are taken as non-existent.
And prior to that I was a machine operator. And prior to that I was a door to door salesman. Selling entrails and spare parts for housewifes. (I will gladly take your orders and then I will gladly dismantle them and then throw them out.)
And the shit seeps running. No dead. No dying. No movement. Just keep still. Just keep quiet. We got orders for protection. And we got coughed and sputtered out. Violent crime spitting nails into your own coffin. So kick out the stool and be harvested.
Without maps and skin designs, everything would stop. One crowd cheers and the other breaks into dialogue and theatrics. I tried out for bof teams. Took a bullet for both teams. Now I'm the English translator for both teams. Awesome responsibility.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahah, yeeeaaah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, urologist, urologist, urologist, urologist, urologist, mechanist!!!
It rolls deep. Black magic lung. The comforting feeling of being sewn up and set free from any leaks and all possible excretion. If I bubble through tomorrow, then freeform tonite. For your car. For your office. For your orifice.
Si Maestro! No Maestro! No gas, no money, no accusations of bootstrap theories. My foot. The catheter. My arm. The enema. My intestines.
The script needs a rewrite when the plot unravels every twenty minutes. The set dressings look familiar from underfunding and creative mishandling. Do all the good scenes seem to be missing something? Maybe the beginnings of wrinkles around bright eyes could determine the next plot twist.
I'll give thanks when the ideal of capital gain is splayed across my dinner table, stuck with forks and knives. Divided up and redirected into the hearts and mouths of those starving from hunger and futility. I'll say thank you when the spirit of the millions bruised, bled, and forgotten, whose lives were the expense of nation building and land appropriating is restricted and they that follow in the footsteps of conquerers and founding fathers are held accountable for upholding the myth that freedom is built upon dead bodies!!!!!
I hereby dedicate this award to my freshly amputated legs! While trusty companions when they occupied the same space as me, they are now all doing real good looking all bronzed and shiny on my office wall! They helped me almost escape from the P.O.W. camp and helped make all my erotic dreams a reality. I was sorry to see them go. They will be missed. I love you, legs!!!!
I can stand here pissing down my leg and it won't change a thing because I joined this program already in progress. And it's obvious that whether or not I pass or fail, will be wholly determined by my ability to create life from a slow death.
Lyrics to this song have been dissolved by the hands of Father Time.
New transistor! New transmitter for my orifices. Robotrix for the translator! That's it! I've had it up to here! I'm taking my family and my TV and my fucking Trans Am out of this godforsaken country! Damn it!
Lyrics are no.
But you're a battleaxe, I'm a fucking shithead, for conceding to a fucking twit like you!
Without robots, and especially without people to spit on, everything would stop. One crowd cheers and the other breaks into dialogue theatrics. I tried out for both teams, took a bullet for both teams, now I'm the English translator for both teams. (And despite how much I sit in front of this TV set, I'm still not stupid enough to play your fucking game.) My neon insignia reads: "I like being desensitized, so set that person freeze!!!!"
Anymore talk will result in severe problems, the reprisal will be such that grown men cry. And football will be taken away and sports bar, too. No more conversations, grunts, or screaming fits, fist fights, cat fights, or open handed blows. The life you live will be the most painfully unfunny stand up comedy. Because all communication lines must be brought down. Your broken jaw will be wired shut.
The board game version of the children's myth that is one hell of a stand up citizen and a real man is now up for sale where wholesale entertainment and rape can all happen at the roll of the dice, and the number of dead can be gauged by what kind of bonus card you pull. Available where bullshit is sold!!!!!
Western culture is a sinking ship with only enough life boats for twenty percent.
Hell, hell, hell, hell Hell, hell, hell, hell
The sanitation commission has relinquished possession of remote control to the sheep in the cheap seats. And the household disinfectant and scrubbing solution has been synthesized nationally. But nobody asked why a cheap pulp novel became indoctrinated. An escapist rationalization or a pile of streaming shit? Mark my words: the pilgrimage will be quite disappointed when the find no light at the end of the tunnel.
At the press conference, they talked about how you can take one empty kid, fill them full of shit and watch 'em spill it out over the course of their existence. "I hereby pledge that indeed, I'm the kid with two second time delay, I'm the kid with the attention for only four seconds of useful sitcoms and useless world hunger." Say no to the cultural backstroke!! Say "eat shit" to anything uncivilized!! WAIT FOR YOUR ORDERS!!!
No! I did not fuck her! And no, not for one fucking second, do you think my penis gives you the clearance to allow me into your secret society youth crew! Fuck the locker room!! I'd been considering a change in occupation when I felt my body begin to jerk. The limbs separating and falling to the floor in a jumble of parts. I got my finger caught in the door. I got my head caught in the toilet. Fuck you!!! It hurt! My fractured appendages bundled up and sold to the thrift store!
Fuck you right hand culture! Right now I'm smashing your digitally remastered pratfalls and punchline antics with my "most likely to be a permanent guest star" award! After that, I'm going to melt it down and shoot you in the cerebral cortex with it! Fuck! You arch rival to all things exciting and inspiring. You asinine excuse for me to talk in expletives for lengthy periods of time, lessoning my chances to go to heaven! Jerk!
I can't imagine picking up where you leave/left off! Being seen as a gesture of friendship at a time when smiles fall apart for no good reason. If this is the way the rules are set, it may be time to jump ship. If this is the way the teams have been picked, you might have to shove this game up your ass.
This is another song that couldn't be bothered with real lyrics being strewn throughout its soaring melodies and humanist warmth.
When the messenger boy stopped by the strategy meeting, he slipped the captain this note: "RED ALERT! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! WE'VE GOT AN EMERGENCY! HAD TO HIRE OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS JUST TO BUILD AN EXTRA LABORATORY! WE'VE BEEN CONTRACTED BY THE ENEMY TO BUILD A TEAM OF SIX MERCENARIES!" Confused by the scribbled nonsense, the captain, a highly unreasonable man, took the boy to the mens room. Upon entering, the boy's head was stuffed into a plastic bag and repeatedly smashed into the urinal, maiming him for life. After the beating, the captain placed the unconscious pulp in the courtyard of the headquarters with note stapled to the forehead reading: "CRIMSON CLUE D • BEATEN"
Never to know the achievements or the greatness. I'll just have to sleep in ignorance, make due with my flawed people skills and minimal brainwave registration. Duped into thinking I was getting somewhere with childish notions of revolutions and smashing systems. I'll be a good team player, if you're the coach. You call the shots, I'll wait for the hand signals and sniff up your ass. I remembered being so happy when you came down from the hill and started handing out orders. It had been told what to think. I want condescension. I want inferiority. I know I've been so stupid, but now that you're here, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!


Forty-two songs, ripped from their original host bodies and stapled back together for your listening enter-pain-ment! Includes songs from long out-of- print 7" records, compilations, and splits with ORCHID and SCROTUM GRINDER, plus a few never- before released nodules. Your ulcers will never be the same! Witness gigantic slabs of meat! Puke your guts out: miles of them! Explore the vast wilderness of sound and tempo: fast, faster, unreasonably fast, and mid-tempo, oops, here we are fast again! Horrifying imagery: can you SAY these things? Are you going to hell for even THINKING these things? The answers are veiled in superstition, fluorescent pink paint, and a bag of indeterminate fluid, dripping into a vast ocean! Instantly recognizable artwork by Steak Mtn leaps off the pages and directly into your cerebral cortex! You can shut your eyes, but it's too late!


released April 7, 2023

This is a Combat Wounded Veteran product. It is a compiled record of many small records, song donations, and unreleased budget bin swill. There are a few missing pieces. All intended for various reasons.

Message to listener notes:
There is a song missing from about 1/4 the way through the song stream, messing up the continuity of the number listing... so, it does not match all of the seven inches and other things, I think. So from a certain point on, all the songs on this, a quarter way on, plus all future releases should go back one. So 61 is now 60 and so forth. But make sure the missing song number isn't the one that turns song 1 into song 0. That is not the case.

Note: there is a snake on some of these recordings. Soft venom.

All songs by this band, of course, except for song thirty two (32). That is a cover of The Ohio Players' "What the Hell" from their "Fire" long player (1974).

Title of this aural (redacted) "This is Not an Erect, All-Red Neon Body" originated from the "theme" song in a film by Koji Wakamatsu called "Go, Go Second Time Virgin" (1969 - Japan)

The leg, leg, arm, head personelle:

MARK: Drums, Latin Percussion, Vocals (24), Microjammer, Tambourine?
PONCH: Bass, Vocals (All)
CHRIS: Vocals (All), Guitar, Sometimes Tools on Guitar, Microjammer
DAVY: Guitar (1-12, 21-27), Vocals (1-12)
BILL: Guitar (38-42)
GAVIN: Guitar (13-20), Vocals (13-20), Microjammer

Lyrics by PONCH: 5, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33, 36, second half of 37, 39, 42
Lyrics by CHRIS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, first half of 37, 38, 41
Lyrics by MARK: 24


Songs 1-12 recorded at Morrisound Studios. Mixed by Nordic Helmüt/ All technical savvy by Steve Heritage. August 1996. 1-11 was released on Suppose... I Break Your Neck Records. Record company name taken from an Italian crime film called "Metti Cheti Pompo Il Muso" by Guiseppe Vari (1973). The record title was "11 Song 7"" and "11 Song 7" Repress" and came in the obvious order. First pressing: 1500. We build a house out of spray paint, rubber stamp ink, green silk-screened television and Xmas colored inserts. Second pressing: 500 with a tired outhouse complete with manilla folders, Burja flyer art, and distressed Marilyn Burns. Song 12 was intended for an unrealized comp thing on Clean Plate. It had bands that were exciting then, but now are discarded jokes for kids with good and bad hair. It goes both ways. We support the second.

Songs 13-20 recorded at above place, mixed in same headgear. Knobs twisted by Slayertige again as well. December 1996. Song 13 on 403 Records compilation. All Florida bands, but Boston representing on the front via Cave In (pre-space rock surprise, naturally). It is (also) indeed a reference to Angel Dust Fighting. 14-18 remain unreleased until today. Prepare to be punished? Oodles of brutals style. Song 19 on Jon Kortland's Satan's Pimp's "Accidental Double Homicide" 2x7" compilation. Song 20 was on display for a short time on the "Better Luck Next Time" 7" byproduct of Witching Hour Records.

Songs 21-27 recorded at Audio Lab. The man walked upright, spoke clearly, and pushed all necessary buttons. We payed him. Can't remember his name though. It was August 1997. Songs 21-25 are on a split 6" with Orchid. It was on Clean Plate Records. Heads up to all involved. It was a die-cut novelty record meltdown like all the other records here. It is out of print. I think, anyway. Song 26 on a compilation CD we never got copies of. We are not mad, but we have forgotten the name of the compilation and all involved. Song 27 hustled on the "Blllleeeaaauuuurrrggh! A Music War" 7" compilation. Hands down, no joke, our favorite guest appearance ever. Ever. Ever.

Songs 28-37 recorded and mixed by Rob McGregor at (then-titled) Turd Studios. January 1998. All songs appear on "What Flavor is Your Death Squad Leader?" 7" on Schematics Records. Many pressing. Very silly packaging for that time. Very silly "Dawn of the Dead" sample for that time, as well. Out of print.

Songs 38-42 recorded by McGregor at (still cursed) Turd Studios. Sometime in 1998. All tunes head squishing out the 7" format w/the Scrotum Grinder band. It was supplied to the world by Burrito Records' Bob Suren.

1-11: "11-Song 7""
12 = previously unreleased
13 = V/A: 403 Chaos CD
14-18 = previously unreleased
19 = V/A: "Accidental Double Homicide" 2x7"
20 = V/A: "Better Luck Next Time" 7"
21-25 = Split 6" with ORCHID
26 = V/A: "Kill Frank Lentini" CD
27 = V/A: "Blllleeeaaauuuurrrggh!: A Music War" 7"
28-37 = "What Flavor is Your Death Squad Leader?" 7"
38-42 = Split 7" with SCROTUM GRINDER

© & P 2005 Dark Operative
This is OPS051. Thank you, fuck you, bye.


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Combat Wounded Veteran Tampa, Florida

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